Why is there a Committee?

As a registered charity, Sunshine Preschool is managed by a committee of parent/carer volunteers, also known as trustees of the charity. Being part of a ‘Committee’ can sound a bit daunting, but we are really just a group of parents who want to give a little back to the Preschool.

The committee is essential to the smooth running of Preschool and works alongside the Manger and staff to ensure the Preschool is running efficiently and in line with Ofsted and other legal requirements. It is also responsible for overseeing the Preschool’s activities, fundraising for toys and equipment, managing the finances and ensuring that the needs of all children and staff are being met.

Why does the committee need your help?

We need some parents/carers to join the committee. The Preschool is required to have a committee with a minimum of 5 members and a maximum of 12.  We are always looking for new members, as it will mean there are more people to help out, and a wider variety of skills and contacts which we can utilize to benefit our Preschool. Each year, as children move up to primary school, some members of the committee stand down, meaning we are always looking for parents to join our team.

Why volunteer?

It can be a really rewarding and enjoyable experience.  As well as meeting other parents/carers you can have a positive impact on your child's early years’ education at Preschool and the opportunity to gain some new experience for your CV. Research shows clear benefits for children when parents become actively involved in their child’s learning and development from an early age. Volunteering for the committee offers an ideal opportunity for you to become more actively and practically involved in this aspect of your child’s life. It will also make a real difference to how the Preschool is managed.

You will personally benefit from this experience by meeting with other parents, updating existing skills and learning new ones, as well as putting something positive back into your local community. It’s a great way to get to know the staff better and to meet other parents over a cup of tea (or occasionally a glass of wine!).

Forming a committee

We hold an annual general meeting in early October when new committee members are elected, however we welcome any new committee members who want to join us throughout the year. There are some positions which need to be filled: Chair, Secretary and Treasurer being the key ones. Once these have been appointed, the committee can continue to look at the day-to-day running of the Preschool as well as turning their minds to fund-raising.


Fund raising is vital for the Pre-School and we have regular established events such as Tombola’s, Christmas Nativity/Fair and the Halloween Disco but are always looking for new ideas as the money raised is essential to the sustainability of Pre-School. You can be involved in the organisation and running of the events as well as helping to identify new fund-raising opportunities.

What will I need to do?

We hold regular meetings either in the evening or on an afternoon, at which we discuss the running of the pre-School such as staffing, financial matters, grants, government guidelines and safeguarding as well as organising up-coming events. There are usually biscuits and cakes involved too! As part of the committee, you can expect to be able to make an influence with your own ideas to improve the way the Pre-School is run.

We do have a business side as we are a charity, and need to manage the financial accounts, annual budgets, managing staff and ensuring guidelines are met. All decisions and meetings are fully minuted. We are fortunate to have a volunteer who is Finance Officer to the Committee who sees to all the invoicing, staff pay, payment of bills, monthly/yearly accounts and who submits the accounts for auditing and to the Charity Commission.


Please take the time to consider joining the Pre-School committee and make a difference! To contact us please don't hesitate to speak to any of the existing members – you can find their details on the Parent Noticeboard. You can join any time of the year but coming along to the AGM in October to show your support would be much appreciated. If you would like to join, please contact one of the existing committee members who will be able to give you the date of the next meeting or AGM.

Not for you?

The committee would love to have as many members as possible but we understand that it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. However there are other ways you can help, from passing on any fund-raising ideas you have to baking cakes for fund-raising events, from sparing some time to volunteer at events to raiding your cupboards for tombola prizes, or even letting us know if you have any DIY skills that could be handy!